What to do if I want you to remove certain copyrighted comments from your website?
Please note that we do not host any copyrighted content on this website. The comments (text) contain only information shared by users that do not contain data that might be copyrighted in any way. However, we offer a service to remove comments from our website if the copyright holder of the content requests so. These removal requests are only valid if:
If your request complies with all of these rules, send a mail with the Contact us page. Please keep the correspondence polite. We remove postings as soon as we can, usually within 24-48hours. Keep in mind that we can only handle removal requests that comply with the above rules.
We respect the copyright of all broadcasters under the Digital Millenium Copyrights Act (DMCA) and if you want a stream removed from this website, then send us an email at [email protected] with proof of ownership and we will take prompt action as soon as possible. Contacting the hosting providers of ISPs will not escalate this process.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:
Email: [email protected] (Please allow 24-48 hours for response)